3 Reasons Why Your Restaurant Should Be Using SEG Fabric Displays For Interior Signage

Silicone edge graphics (SEG) are a recent innovation in signage that's durable and highly visible. SEG fabric has dye permanently embedded into it through a heat treatment process, and then the fabric is placed into a silicone border. The silicone border allows it to be snapped into a SEG fabric display, which provides tension to the fabric and eliminates the potential of it wrinkling.

While SEG fabric displays are traditionally associated with retail stores and trade shows, they're perfectly suited to the restaurant industry as well. Read on to learn three reasons why your restaurant should be using SEG fabric displays for its interior signage.

1. You Can Change The Display in Minutes

The fabric on an SEG fabric display can be changed out in minutes, and it requires no special training. One of your employees simply pulls a tab on the edge of the fabric in order to pull it out of the display, and then it's ready for a new sign.

For restaurants who need to change interior signage frequently because of shifting daily specials, this feature is a great help. Your restaurant can order multiple graphics depicting breakfast, lunch, and dinner specials, and then change them out immediately depending on the time of day.

SEG fabric displays provide all the convenience of using a blackboard to display specials with much more eye-catching graphics.

2. You Can Clean Them Easily

Restaurants can be messy places, especially in the kitchen. However, you'll sometimes experience spills in the dining area as well. If a diner or a member of your waitstaff spills food or drink on SEG fabric, you don't have to worry — they're entirely machine washable.

The colors don't fade after being washed, either, since the dye is permanently embedded within the fabric. If your SEG fabric is stained, all you have to do is run it through a washing machine to restore it to perfect condition.

3. You Can Improve Their Visibility With Back-Lighting

Since the graphics are made of fabric, light is able to shine through them. This means that your SEG fabric display can be back-lit in order to improve visibility. LED lights are placed into the display, and the light shines through the fabric in order to illuminate it.

A back-lit display is especially useful in a restaurant setting as many restaurants keep their dining area dimly lit in order to improve ambiance. Alternative forms of signage can be very hard for diners to see when your dining area's dimmer switch is turned low.

Overall, the benefits of using SEG fabric displays make them perfect for a restaurant's interior signage. They're highly visible, even in low-light conditions, can be cleaned easily, and can be changed out in minutes. Finally, the high graphics quality allows you to perfectly showcase your food to your guests and point them towards dishes with high margins.

To learn more about SEG fabric displays, contact signage professionals in your area.

490 Words

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Getting New Signs When you are ready to start doing what you can to improve the health of your company, you should think about investing in some new sign work. While it can be a challenge to know where to put your efforts, the fact of the matter is that signage is a quick, easy way to attract attention to the products you need to move faster. Although many people are apprehensive about starting up a new business that centers around signage, taking the right steps today could help you to fix things in the long run. On this website, check out great posts that talk all about how to choose the best signs for your company.

